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Three Card Rummy

OverviewWelcome to THREE CARD RUMMY! An exciting single deck poker variant table game based on hands consisting of three cards. All cards are ranked according to their poker value, except aces are always low. The object is to have fewer points than the dealer.
  • The dealer must have 20 points or less to qualify. If the dealer does not qualify, any remainingante bets will pay even money and raise bets will push.
  • If dealer does qualify, the player and the dealer totals will be compared and the lower total wins.
  • If the player has the lower total, the ante will pay even money and raise according to the abovetable. If the dealer has a lower total, the ante and raise will lose. A tie will result in a push.
  • If a bonus bet is made, it will pay according to the pay table above.

Min/Max Wager Amount:
The MIN/MAX TOTAL WAGERS for this game are: 1.00 - 250.00
The MIN/MAX TOTAL WAGERS for the BONUS BET side bet is: 0.00 - 50.00

Default Wager:
Not applicable